Street Dance
Here at RB Arts Academy we run fun, no syllabus street lessons.
Street dance is a fun class where your child will be taught cool street dance moves and tricks along with fitness and strengthening combinations.
It is a great way for children to express themselves while gaining self confidence. All whilst enjoying dancing to current and retro pop, hip hop and dance music, helping broaden their musicality skills.
Uniform is an RB Arts Academy top, leggings, joggers or shorts and trainers. No jeans or jewellery allowed and hair to be worn up and out of your face.

Street Tots
Street Tots Class are on Saturdays 9:30-10am for Children aged 2-4 years.
This class is a great chance to introduce your child to street dance. It's done in a fun and friendly environment with lots to learn. We also really encourage the social side to street dance. Doing exercises from the UDO pre grades, which leads nicely onto our school classes. We also use props for dances each term and learn through play.
Uniform is an RB Arts Academy top, leggings, joggers or shorts and trainers. No jeans or jewellery allowed and hair to be worn up and out of your face.